• Baku, Nasimi district, Mehbali Zeynalabdiev 5
  • Daily 11:00 – 22:00
Vegetarian & Vegan Culture in Azerbaijan

Vegetarian & Vegan Culture in Azerbaijan

Healthy and proper nutrition is one of the important conditions for a healthy life. The use of vegetarian and vegan products for a healthy diet is already widespread in many countries around the world. It's nice that there is such a project in our country. The first vegetarian and vegan cafe in Azerbaijan opened in May of this year at Mehbali Zeynalabdiyev Street, 5B, Nasimi district of Baku. “De Rama”, a vegetarian-vegan cafe with an unusual and interesting name, does not have meat, fish, chicken or egg dishes on its menu. The manager of the cafe and entrepreneur Rauf Shikhaliev, who has been leading a vegetarian lifestyle for 18 years, spoke about the activities of the cafe and the importance of proper nutrition and its special role in human life and in our society:

  • Vegetarian & Vegan Culture in Azerbaijan